Earl Marshal

The Earl Marshal acts as an advisor in all matters pertaining to martial activities within the Kingdom to the Crown and subjects of the Kingdom. He also ensures that the Rules of the Lists are followed, oversees all fighting in the Crown Lists, sets/enforces Weapon and Armor Standards and supervises the authorization of fighters.


Earl Marshal Website: http://marshal.eastkingdom.org
Captain-General of the Archers: http://archery.eastkingdom.org/
Armored Combat: https://armored-combat.eastkingdom.org/
Combat Archery Marshal: http://marshal.eastkingdom.org/combatarchery/
Marshal of Equestrian Activities: http://equestrian.eastkingdom.org/ 
Marshal of Fence: http://rapier.eastkingdom.org 
Siege Marshal: http://siege.eastkingdom.org/ 
Scout Commander: http://marshal.eastkingdom.org/scouts/ 
Marshal of Thrown Weapons: http://thrown-weapons.eastkingdom.org/ 
Youth Fighter Program: http://youthfighters.eastkingdom.org